There are so many new terms we hear every day, the first thing that needs to be explained is what Functional Nutrition is and why it might of interest to you! A practitioner using Functional Nutrition is going to work with whole food supplements, herbs, essential oils, homeopathy and dietary suggestions to help support what your body needs in order to heal. Many people are finding today that they have “normal lab tests” or a “clean bill of health” per their regular doctors but they still don’t feel well. There are answers as to what is happening in this case and there are things that can be done. The disease process takes time to manifest and in many cases a disease is on its way to occurring but the current Western medical approach can only address once the disease has reached a certain level and is seen “out of range” on lab tests to name it and medicate it. The key to health lies in prevention! If you can support the body and give it the energy necessary to thrive and function at a higher level then you can stop that process from advancing. Finding out exactly what the body needs and providing it with the tools to heal via nutritional support is the goal of Functional Nutrition.